Monday, 24 September 2012

M.Tech Realtime Embedded systems IEEE 2011 projects list

GPS & GSM Based Realtime Projects
  1. GPS & GSM Based Car Security System.
Easy to find the stolen Car. Global Positioning System (GPS) has been used in various commercial applications including transportation, navigation and vehicle position tracking, which when coupled with GSM mobile phone technology, the technology can help locate stolen vehicle and retrieval process.
  1. Standalone GPS Coordinates(Latitude,Longitude...) Locater. (GPS+Microcontroller+LCD)
The purpose this project is to get the Latitude and Longitude from the satellites and display them on LCD display.
  1. GPS & GSM Based Realtime Vehicle Tracking System. This system locates the Vehicle on the earth by the use of GPS and sends the co-ordinates (Longitude & Latitude), Time and Vehicle speed to the owner of the vehicle using GSM Modem.
  2. Microcontroller driven GPS Clock (GPS+Microcontroller+LCD)
    This updates time (GMT) from satellites and displays on LCD.
  3. GSM/Mobile/Cell Phone Based Device Monitoring and Control System.
    The purpose of this project is to Monitor and Control any Digital or Analog devices from your Cell Phone. This Project can be used to control up to 16 electrical devices. With this circuit you can switch-ON , OFF or Restart some Linux servers, ADSL modems, Printers, Door with electric lock, Irrigation Pump, Garage door, House lights, Water pumps, electric sunshade, Block the engine of your car or your motorcycle, at the steal case and much more. The purpose of this circuit is to make the human life better and easier.
    GSM Remote Monitoring
    (GSM Modem/Mobile/Cell Phone)+ Microcontroller)
  4. GSM Based Home Security System. Get intrusion alerts like door/windows open alerts onto your Cell Phone.
  5. GSM Based Automatic Irrigation Water Controller System.
    The purpose of this project is to get SMS alerts whenever the electrical power status changes to ON or OFF. Use your mobile phone to switch on/off the water pump from any location in the world.
    (GSM Modem + Microcontroller + Electromagnetic Relays)

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